What are the biggest obstacles to staying on a fitness program?


Exercise This: Cop shows can save your neck (and back and shoulders)

I have many clients whose professional life dominates their time and energy. They often work 60 hours a week and hope to fit exercise in wherever they can. Sound familiar?? Though I cannot convince them to scale back work hours (not for lack of desire) I often suggest this simple exercise to counteract the negative effects of a desk job.

Have you ever watched cop shows like my favorite, T.J. Hooker? (It's an oldie but goodie!) Well, the perpetrator is always commanded to do three things:


Now, I know this seems silly, but stay with me.

First, you know your day will be a long one, so every 45 minutes or so you should stop and break from what you are doing...FREEZE!

Second, you probably have been hunched over a desk of papers or in front of some sort of computer. A shoulders-forward position prevents the postural muscles of your upper back from doing their job effectively, so...PUT YOUR HANDS UP! (This second step is even more effective if you stand while you do it.)

Third, in order to truly get the postural muscles activated, HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD! Clasp your fingers behind your head and squeeze your shoulder blades together, and then relax and allow your arms to return to your sides. Repeat the steps as many times as needed. It may shock you to learn how tight your shoulders and neck really are.

Remember: Reduce tension to increase production.

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