What are the biggest obstacles to staying on a fitness program?


Stress can kill

Manage your stress....your health depends on it. Hear are some surefire ways that YOU can bust stress before stress busts you.

The first thing to remember is that stress is largely a product of life challenges. Both positive and negative life challenge create stress. Balance is the key.

I think we can all agree on some level that stresses (job, bills, social obligations) are not going anywhere. So.....now what?

Taking charge of your life is what managing stress is all about. Realizing that you are in control of your life is the first step.

Recognition of the different types of stress is an important and individual step.

These two are the only assistance you will receive from me as managing stress is as individual as fingerprints.

Please comment on the greatest causes of stress in your day to day.
But Wait! don't stop there list some of your most effective solutions.


Is it the Shoes????

Hello All,
I hope all is well your world. I have a product review in store for you.normally I dont review products but in this case I am making an exception.

If you have been paying attention to the fitnews lately( i always do) you are aware of a new movement towards deconstructed shoes. These are shoes that have a shape that is more slipper or sock than your typically athletic shoe.Companies from Nike,to Vibram have released versions of these shoes, who's whole purpose is to force the foot to do its job as a base of support and shock absorber.Funny thing is I am not looking at those shoes today.

What?? then what the ---- am I talking about? hmmm?

The flip side of the deconstructed shoe coin is the corrective/extremely structured shoe. Companies like MBT and Sketchers are providing the topic of our talk.

The claim
is that these type of shoes help you lose weight and tone your muscles at higher rate than you would without them.

The reality
A.C.E. (American Council of Exercise)performed a study at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse measuring the shoes effects on six muscle groups.

Thats right ladies(guys too)


Now I dont know about your budget but $200-$300 is a high cost for very little real return.

Stayed Tuned for Part II
Hello All,

One of the most challenging obstacles you will face in this road to get in shape, is losing fat and get stronger. Getting stronger is a topic for another day, while losing fat is surely at the top of your mind.

Walking is one of the most basic ways to keep healthy.But not all walks are created equal.

*increase the speed of your walk to help keep weight at a reasonable level.
*walk uphill
*walk backwards(safety is key:make sure you know where your walking)
*extend the distance of your walk
*extend the time you spend walking

All of these tweaks are effective at helping you burn more while exercising, one is more effective........can you guess??

Speed Kills!!

Increasing the speed of your walk is the best way to increase intensity.

What now?
If you walk 120 steps in a minute it roughly equates to 3mph.

If you walk 135 steps in a minute you are moving roughly 4mph.

Why should you care??
Havard School of Public Health research fellow Anne Lusk determined that of 18000 premenopausal women those who walked at a brisk pace 3mph or higher gained less weight than those who walked in a leisurely fashion.

Pretty amazing how keeping your intensity high can help your scale reading low.